What's The Real Cost To Go Solar?
One of the biggest factors to consider when you are thinking about going solar is how much it will cost. Solar is often touted as a money-saving technique to lower your utility bills, but how much does going solar actually cost? At AES in Chico, California, we are committed to making sure you understand the costs of going solar and providing you with high-quality solar power services. Whether you’re looking to add panels to a residential or industrial property, we’ve got you covered. View our website for more information.

Initial Costs
On average, solar panels cost about $20,000 for the initial installation of a 10 kW power system. If you decide to go with a six kW, you can expect to spend about 60 percent of that price on purchase and installation. In most situations, a six kW is enough to power a home, but you will want to check how much power you use on a daily basis and what your weather is like where you live. For an office building, you will likely need a lot more power, about 131 kW worth of it; the national average for this type of project is around $250,000 for purchase and installation. These prices are all the national average.

Maintenance Costs
Solar panels in general do not require much maintenance. As a well known solar company in Chico, California, our AES professionals recommend giving your panels a light cleaning a few times a year. Solar panels can last anywhere from 25 to 30 years and will provide reliable power for their entire lifespan unless they are damaged. Should you need repairs on your solar power system, AES can help with that too. We offer full-service maintenance and repair on our solar power systems.

Savings Each Year
Here in California, the average yearly household electrical bill falls around $1,700 dollars. However, when you install solar panels with AES, you no longer spend that amount on electricity; this means you could be saving thousands of dollars each year by installing solar panels on your home. For commercial installations, you could be saving tens of thousands of dollars by going solar.

How Much Money Can You Save?
Given the life of solar panels, and the amount of money you save each year on electricity, solar panels pay themselves off in approximately 12 years for households and nine years for commercial sites — depending on the system you buy and the state you live in. This means after your solar panels are paid off, you could have thousands of dollars to spend on other things each year.
Installing solar panels can be a big decision, but it is one that pays itself off very quickly and saves you thousand of dollars in the long run. If you are considering getting solar panels for your home and need a solar company to install your system, learn more about AES on our website and get started on your solar power system today!
Sources: https://www.electricchoice.com/blog/percentage-income-electricity/