Installing solar panels is an obvious boost to your energy efficiency. Generating electricity directly from the sun that beats down on your roof every day can dramatically reduce your dependence on other types of electricity generation, even possibly eliminating it entirely. And there are even more benefits as well: solar panels have been shown to keep your roof cool by providing shade during daylight as well as warmth at night by helping hold heat in.
According to a study conducted by researchers at UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, solar panels reduced the amount of heat reaching the roof by an incredible 38%, keeping a building’s roof 5 degrees cooler than portions of a roof exposed to sunlight directly. The team led by Jan Kleissl, used thermal imaging of rooftops with and without panels over a three day period in the month of April. The team determined that solar panels act as roof shades which reduce the temperature in the rooms below the roof, reducing the need for air conditioning during summer days and heating during winter nights.
Kleissl stated: "There are more efficient ways to passively cool buildings, such as reflective roof membranes. But, if you are considering installing solar photovoltaic, depending on your roof thermal properties, you can expect a large reduction in the amount of energy you use to cool your residence or business."
This is great news for homeowners. The Department of Energy states that while heating and cooling no longer make up the majority of all residential electricity consumption, it’s still by far the biggest consumer at 48.5%. The biggest reason for this is the increased use of energy-efficient products, such as more efficient HVAC systems, better building insulation, and more energy-efficient windows.
Adding a solar panel system can further reduce your energy bills by helping you generate electricity, and the added benefits of reducing the need to constantly run your heater or air conditioner to keep up with heat loss through your roof is an even further added financial benefit. In total, Kleissel’s team determined that installing solar panels on a roof can essentially equate to a 5% discount on the price of the panels over their lifetime. In other words, the panels send 5% more electricity back to the grid than the panels actually produce.
Want to learn more about making the transition to solar in your home? The experts at Sunpower® by Alternative Energy Systems can help! Our team is dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of solar power technology and providing it to you! We provide friendly and knowledgeable service to both residential and commercial clients in the North Valley area, including the cities of Chico, Yuba, and Redlands. We strive to provide the highest-quality experience you can get, and we back up our systems with expert services and a full 25 year bumper-to-bumper warranty, including all monitoring, repair, and maintenance services!
Find out more about making the switch to solar today! Call Sunpower® by Alternative Energy Systems at (855) 419-1488 to schedule an appointment.